Bestiary Entry 065:[]
Shizuka's Bestiary:[]
A Nurikabe with a blackened heart and body. Nurikabe are generally honest and steadfast youkai, but evil youkai take advantage of them and poison them with dark energy. They suddenly appear in dark streets at night and attack anyone that comes near. As a result people start to detest the upstanding Nurikabe as well. There`s no helping them unless we defeat them.
Variation of Akamekabe[]
- Nature: Soul
- Dungeon: Mount Kurama (Peak), Den of Needles, Inaki Woods, Burial Mound of the Preserved, Nether Den of Needles, Central Koshi-no-Shiraen 1F, Hermit Crab Grotto Depths, Karuka Cave 1F, Assault! Arch Death Scythe
- Field: Nether Sekigahara
- Aramitama: A Chance Meeting Stage 66, Juncture Stage 28, Stage 84, Stage 97
Huge Akamekabe[]
- Nature: Soul
- Dungeon: Assault! Dragon Ark Gakuhou, Assault! Dragon Ark Aosame