Onigiri Wiki

Bestiary Entry 095:[]

Shizuka's Bestiary:[]

"An immensely crafty Tanuki that used its wits to secure a magnificent castle for itself. Its work ethic made it popular with the feudal lord, but those who were envious of its standing quickly sought to ensure its fall from grace. In the end, it was forced to return to its home in the mountains. After it assembled a small army of supporters, it began plotting the violent downfall of those who put it in its position. What a shame, it was trying its best to get along with humans, too. They should apologize." 95

Variation of Gyoubu Tanuki[]

Gyoubu Tanuki[]


Gyoubu Tanuki

  • Nature: Beast
  • Location: None

Other Variation[]


  • Kagemusha

Gyoubu Tanuki

  • Nature: Beast
  • Other: Event