Onigiri Wiki

Kaguya (かぐや kaguya) is one of the characters in Onigiri Online. She happily joins the party after she is saved from becoming a human sacrifice for a ceremony in Yamataikoku, becoming the sixth member.


Kaguya is a lady of mystery in comparison to any of the characters. She also is slow-speaking and almost airheaded at times, spacing out often. This aloofness makes it hard to read what she is thinking. Yet, she has a defined culture that could very well break the "fourth wall" with the way she talks and how genre savvy she is with otaku culture. But to the rest of the party, this part of her is hard to understand.

Although she may seem shy and weak-hearted, Kaguya tries her best to be of use to others. And even with her different cultural values, she makes her best attempt to fit in.


Kaguya comes from a mysterious past, although what is known of her origins before living in Yamataikoku is that her current attire and cultural influences are from a far away country. She also seemed to have learned about the special stones called Magatama from this place also. The reason why she wears an eyepatch over her right eye is still unknown, although it has been hinted to be sealed away for a dark reason.

After arriving in Yamataikoku, she has lived with Queen Himiko and Nashima as half-siblings in Yamayaikoku. Before the party arrived in the land, she was sent into the religious cave as the next human sacrifice.


Although her origins are quite a mystery, what is known about Kaguya is that she is an expert when it comes to the enchanted stones called Magatama. She can create them, enhance them and also deconstruct them.

Magatama Creation

Being special stones that requires certain skill to create, Kaguya fills this role of create a Magatama. As long as the player has given her the magatama recipe and has the require items needed, she can create all kinds of Magatama for the player.

Raising Kaguyas affection level allows her to make better and a larger variety of Magatama.

Magatama Enhanchement

Kaguya also has the ability to enhance Magatama to have added abilities else than their default. But these enhancement can be difficult to initiate as the required items for the enhancement tends to be made up of either rarer items or a good collection of the elemental minerals.

Raising Kaguya's affection level increases the variety of enhancements she can apply upon a Magatama.

Magatama Deconstruction

While she is able to make them, Kaguya can also decontruct a Magatama back into its raw state. While some Magatama has set ingredients from which they originated from, others are made up of random rare items.

Raising Kaguya's affection level increases the amount of items the player can be "payed back" from decontructing a Magatama.

As a Partner

Main article: Partner System


As a partner in battle, Kaguya uses her Kaguya Special Gatler (かぐや☆バン!バン!スペシャル~ kaguya ☆ ban! ban! supesharu~). Unique to other ranged weapons, this semi-auto rifle that looks like a sheathed sword has outstanding range and unique special skills, but her basic attacks are relatively weak in comparison.

Affection Item

Her favorite affection item is the affection play-model. Her least favorite are the affection pendant and affection goldfish. Her favored special affection item is the affection lion-dog.


  • Most of the descriptions of the items in-game are possibly "written" by Kaguya as they happen to have the same otaku speaking style Kaguya has at times.
  • Kaguya (also 辉 夜 かぐや or Bright Light) or Kaguya Hime (辉 夜 姫, Princess Bright Light) is the name of a princess from Japanese folklore that came from the moon and was born in a bamboo trunk subsidiary to meet need of an elderly couple who could no longer have children.
  • Today it has been used in various anime, where involved in the legend. An example is Mirmo Zibang chapter of "hunting monster, Murumo" where Rima is Princess Kaguya. 
  • This legend was used by Rumiko Takahashi to create the plot of the second film of the manga / anime Inuyasha, InuYasha: The Castle of Dreams in the mirror, in which Kagura and Kanna, two servants of Naraku, the antagonist, were released and then deceived by Kaguya-Hime to escape the mirror and take revenge on the emperor, freezing time. According to this film, the family that was given layer Kaguya-Hime was the Hojo family. Kaguya also appears in the second film of the anime Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon S The Movie, and is mentioned in one of the chapters of the live action Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon