Kekka the Sickly is located at the Kikaigahara Rest Area under the large Sakura Tree to the south. He could be a normal tourist who had come to visit the rest area, but his visit is cut short when Tiamat was spotted in the area and an Evacuation Order was given for the rest area calling for him to flee to Onigashima until the threat has been removed.
When he returns to the rest area he asks a nearby Oni, the player, to help him gather materials for a medicinal bath that would help his ailing mother. He is too sick to fight himself so he must rely on the Oni who helped evacuate them from the area to help his ailing mother.
He has only two to three days a year he feels fine due to a weak constitution since birth. He has tried all different types of medicine under the sun to get better, but to no avail. He heard that Melting Meat from a Nuppepou is a cure-all medicine, but he thinks it is a rumor even if it exists or not. The player helps him acquire this Melting Meat and Kekka is having second thoughts wondering if what he is holding is even edible.