"Purgatorial Blade - Malefic"
"Shizuka explains:[r]\"The recipe says that it's a blade forged with the Fires of Damnation, which imbue it with a curse that causes its target to burn until they're reduced to cinders...yikes, careful where you swing that thing.\""
weaponSettings[1613] <- load(::WeaponSetting({
name = ::TR("weapon[1613]戒焔呪爆刀・怨嗟") //強化火闇サタン武器(エンドオブデイズ)
desc = ::TR("weapon[1613]【かいえんじゅばくとう・えんさ】静御前の武器解説[r]「レシピによると「呪った相手が爆ぜるまで燃え続ける『戒めの焔』が宿った刀。その内には戒めの焔が宿っている。」らしいです。・・・あれ?これ、同じこと言ってませんか?」")
category = WeaponCategory.SWORD
rank = ITEM_RANK_S
requiredLv = 128
icon = "sword"
view = [
{path = "/res/weapon/sword/sword_satan/katana_satan_dark.scm",bone = BONENAME_RHAND}
{path = "/res/weapon/sword/sword_satan/sword_satan.kmd",bone = BONENAME_RHAND}
tex = {
Material = ["/res/weapon/sword/sword_satan/tex/sword_satan_c2.dds"
skillEfxType = "holy"
cap = 9000
tend = 13
durability = 1500
builtinOptions = [
::StateErrorOption(StateErrorType.ATTRI_DMG_ON_HIT, { type=Attr.FIRE, proc=20, rate=1, limit=1300000 }), //火の追撃 上限120万
::StateErrorOption(StateErrorType.ATTRI_DMG_ON_HIT, { type=Attr.DARK, proc=20, rate=1, limit=1300000 }), //闇の追撃 上限120万
secAddOption("slash",70) //斬
secAddOption("fire",70) //火
secAddOption("dark",70) //闇
secAddOption("atk",1500 ,[["hp", GTE, 80],]),
secAddOption("atk",1000 ,[["hp", GTE, 60],]),
secAddOption("pAtkSpd",15 ,[["hp", GTE, 80],]),
secAddOption("pAtkSpd",10 ,[["hp", GTE, 60],]),
secAddOption("thrust",-100) //突
secAddOption("water",-100) //雨
secAddOption("holy",-100) //天
baseSkill = 42800
skillIDs = []
artifactSettings[51613] <- load(::ArtifactSetting({ //Lv 133 戒焔呪爆刀・怨嗟(強化火闇サタン武器)
artifactKind = ItemKind.WEAPON
artifactID = 1613
num =1
materials = [
::WeaponItemData(1612).setDummyEnhancementLevel(100),// 戒焔呪爆刀 Lv100
::ItemData(ItemKind.GEMSTONE, 6, 400), //暗夜石
::ItemData(ItemKind.GEMSTONE, 2, 400), //火炎石
::ItemData(ItemKind.GEMSTONE, 12, 400), //穢珠
price = 150000000
icon = "recipe"
jobLv = 7
grade 100 max damage =cap*(1+tend)*1,1
grade 100 min=cap*(1+tend)*1,1*(1-tend)
translations: https://pastebin.com/2HiUVPxK