Tatsuya the Self-Proclaimed Super Magician is a magician that lives and has set up shop in Yamataikoku. He performs spells when hired for the people of Yamataikoku and has a secret enemy that he needs help defeating. He doesn't say who this enemy is, but has stated after receiving an Inferno Stone and Ice Stone from the player that he will be able to destroy his enemies with them in time when the spell is completed.
Name Change[]
Tatsuya the Self-Proclaimed Super Magician goes by another name before completion of the quest "The Flowing Loincloth" called "Tatsuya the Matsugi".
Tatsuya is first seen when entering Yamataikoku with him standing on the bridge to Chinji Cavern in Yamataikoku. After completion of the quest "The Flowing Loincloth" he moves his position to a short tower just directly north of Chinji Cavern still slating him in the "South Yamataikoku" part of the town.