Chiyuri lives in Yamataikoku and wants to become a magician. The problem lies in the fact that Yamataikoku doesn't have a school for learning about magic and the nearest one is in Kyoto. She would need to travel to Kyoto on her own, but the deadly Miasma and hostile Youkai in Izumo would get her before she even sees the entrance to Kyoto.
She enlists the help of the player to shepherd her to Kyoto so she can finally become a magician and set up shop in Yamataikoku. After arriving in Kyoto, she thanks the player for his help and quickly heads off to school.
Townsperson Chiyuri is mainly stationed at Yamataikoku until the player starts the quest "Bring me to Kyoto" where she moves to the most southern point in Kyoto and disappears after completion.